
SRE Weekly Issue #186

A message from our sponsor, VictorOps:

See why DevOps teams are more collaborative and transparent than traditional IT operations – helping them build highly efficient incident management and response systems:


This article is highly technical, while also not being overwhelmingly detailed.

It is very important that a database user is aware of the isolation level guaranteed by the database system, and what concurrency bugs may emerge as a result.

Daniel Abadi

The traps are:

  1. You don’t have enough cross-team usage or buy-in.
  2. Your difficult and dense process is slowing down incident response.
  3. Postmortems are underutilized and don’t encompass in-depth learnings.
  4. You wait for incidents to happen.
  5. You stop at incident management without SLOs.

Lyon Wong — Blameless

Need to argue the benefits of implementing distributed tracing in your organization? This article will help you get started.


The question is: what is the proper role of alerting in the modern era of distributed systems?  Have alerting best practices changed with the shift from monitoring and known-unknowns to observability and unknown-unknowns?

Charity Majors

Round-robin load balancing often isn’t good enough; it’s necessary to intelligently route requests to nodes that aren’t overloaded. How do you get information about backend health to distributed load balancer nodes efficiently? A: add a response header.

Haowei Yuan, Yi-Shu Tai, and Dmitry Kopytkov — Dropbox

By adding in-memory caching with a mere 3-second TTL, these folks achieved a ~75% cache hit rate, allowing them to withstand request spikes without an outage.



SRE Weekly Issue #185

A message from our sponsor, VictorOps:

Machine learning is already being used in many DevOps processes – driving highly efficient workflows across the entire software delivery lifecycle. See how machine learning is currently being used to improve incident management and response in production environments:


This is a tough read, but really enlightening.

Thanks to Courtney Eckhardt for this one.

William Langewiesche — The Atlantic

Read this to find out why it’s so hard to nail down SLOs for cloud services.

Adrian Colyer — The Morning Paper (summary)

Mogul & Wilkes (original paper)

BGP: the horrifying, ugly monster lurking at the base of the Internet.

Stilgherrian — ZDNet

A different kind of monster.

Will Oremus — Slate

When you’re thinking about best practices for improving phases of the production incident cycle, there are three SRE principles that particularly matter for this task. Keep these in mind as you think about reliability.

Myk Taylor — Google

It’s important that we remember that there’s more to incident response than the technical aspect.

George Miranda — PagerDuty

Learn from this Second Officer’s account of a maritime near-miss and the five lessons they learned. My favorite:

As professionals, we always have more than one goal.

Nippin Anand — Safety Differently


SRE Weekly Issue #184

A message from our sponsor, VictorOps:

Do you dream of reducing MTTA from four hours to two minutes? Learn how you can improve incident detection, alerting, real-time incident collaboration and cross-functional transparency to make on-call suck less and build more reliable services:


This article relates to Donella H. Meadows’s book, Thinking in Systems.

What follows is Meadows’ list of leverage points outfitted with those my ideas of where or how they can be applied to software development and web operations.

Ryan Frantz


I know its past an hour but… we got ~600 Nagios emails a day. Boss forbade us from muting any of them. In weekly status meeting, he’d often quiz on-call on a random alert. If oncall didnt know about it, boss would often scream at us…

Jason Antman (@j_antman)

Find out how the Couchbase folks use Jepsen to test their database offering.

Korrigan Clark

A supportive on-call environment is critical to ensuring reliability and resiliency.

Deirdre Mahon — Honeycomb

This is a follow-on to an article I linked to awhile back.

It’s really simpler to call it Tech Risk.

I love the idea of tracking the decisions an organization makes and the risks they entail.

Sarah Baker


SRE Weekly Issue #183

A message from our sponsor, VictorOps:

Incident management and response don’t need to suck. See how you can build a collaborative incident management plan with shared transparency into developer availability and on-call schedules for IT operations:


Another issue of Increment, on a topic integral to SRE: testing.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve already read everything Charity Majors has written; in this article she’s still managed to find new and even more compelling ways to argue that we should embrace testing in production.

My two other favorite articles from this issue:

Charity Majors — Honeycomb

That’s exactly what we hoped for.

They rewrote this critical service and carefully deployed it to avoid user impact, using a technique I love: run the new code alongside the old for awhile to verify that it returns the same result.

Jeremy Gayed, Said Ketchman, Oleksii Khliupin, Ronny Wang and Sergey Zheznyakovskiy — New York Times

This is aimed at Certification Authorities dealing with TLS certificate misissuance issues and the like, but it very much applies to any kind of incident.

BONUS CONTENT: An incident report from LetsEncrypt just a few days later included this gem, exactly in line with what Ryan wrote:

After initially confirming the report we reached out to multiple other CAs that we believed would also be affected.

Ryan Sleevi

Whose? Hosted Graphite’s. Definitely worth a read.

Fran Garcia — Hosted Graphite

Which brings me to this unpopular opinion: All code is technical debt.

However, debt itself isn’t bad. It can be risky, especially if misunderstood, but debt itself is not inherently good or bad. It’s a tool.

Dormain Drewitz — Pivotal

Blameless is running a free workshop on writing post-incident reports.

In this talk we will discuss the elements of an effective postmortem and the challenges faced while defining the process. We will introduce concrete methodologies that alleviate the cognitive overhead and emotional burden of doing postmortems.



  • Heroku Status
    • Heroku experienced 8+ hours of instability. This status page posting is really worth a read because it has:
      • meticulously detailed customer impact
      • no sugar-coating
      • detailed workarounds when they were available

      Hats off to you, folks.

  • Slack
  • Reddit
  • Sling TV
  • Disney Plus
    • Increased traffic from a sale caused instability.
  • Fastly

SRE Weekly Issue #182

A message from our sponsor, VictorOps:

Collaborate with the right teammates, find the right information and resolve system outages in minutes. Play the VictorOps on-call game to test your skillz and compete against your friends and coworkers.


Friday deploys are going to be necessary occasionally, even if we try to ban them. Doing so will only mean that we’re less experienced at executing Friday deploys successfully.

Will Gallego

Jet engines are Complicated. The system of jet engine maintenance (including the technicians, policies, schedules, etc) is Complex. Understanding the difference is key to managing complex systems.

Adam Johns

In this issue, we have articles from the front-line, as well as from safety, legal, leadership, human factors and psychology specialists.

Hindsight is a magazine targeted at air traffic controllers. An example article title from this issue:

Mode-Switching in Air Traffic Control

Thanks to Greg Burek for this one.

The US Federal Communications Commission released their report on an outage last December that took down 911 (emergency services) across a large swathe of the US.

This outage was caused by an equipment
failure catastrophically exacerbated by a network configuration error.

They’re two separate concepts, but they’re often presented together, blurring the line between them.

Daniel Abadi

I love the idea of applying the ideas of resilience engineering to child welfare services. This article quotes from Hollnagel and Dekker.

Tom Morton and Jess McDonald


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