SRE Weekly Issue #440

A message from our sponsor, FireHydrant:

Migrate off of PagerDuty, save money, and then have all of your configuration exported as Terraform modules? We did that. We know one of the hardest parts of leaving a legacy tool is the old configuration, that’s why we dedicated time to build the Signals migrator, making it easy to switch.

As part of designing their new paging product, created a set of end-to-end tests to exercise the system and alert on failures. Click through for details on how they designed the tests and lessons learned.

  Rory Malcolm —

As Slack rolled out their new experience for large, multi-workspace customers, they had to re-work fundamental parts of their infrastructure, including database sharding.

  Ian Hoffman and Mike Demmer — Slack

A third-party vendor’s Support Engineer […] acknowledged that the root cause for both outages was a monitoring agent consuming all available resources.


Resilience engineering is about focusing on making your organization better able to handle the unexpected, rather than preventing repetition of the same incident. This article gives a thought-provoking overview of the difference.

  John Allspaw — InfoQ

Metrics are great for many other things, but they can’t compete with traces for investigating problems.

  Jean-Mark Wright

Through fictional storytelling, this article explains not just the benefits of retries, but how they can go wrong.

  Denis Isaev — Yandex

Hot take? Sure, but they back it up with a well-reasoned argument.

  Ethan McCue

A detailed look at the importance of backpressure and how to use it to reduce load effectively, as implemented in WarpStream.

  Richard Artoul — WarpStream

Updated: September 1, 2024 — 8:11 pm
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