My daughters asked earlier today what I do at work, and I explained all about SRE, reliability, and the importance of work-life balance. They said to tell you they say hi!
Lots of really great advice in here. And really, with a title like that, I couldn’t resist reading it!
Charity Majors
Last week, I mentioned a Google Cloud Platform outage that affected multiple services. Here’s the detailed post-analysis by Google.
This one is along the lines of the classic Ironies of Automation paper by Bainbridge. In this blog post, we’ll look at how SRE can improve NOC functions such as system monitoring, triage and escalation, incident response procedure, and ticketing.How can automation be a team player, and what happens when it isn’t?
Nadine Sarter and David Woods (original paper)
Thai Wood — Resilience Roundup (summary)
In this blog post, we’ll look at how SRE can improve NOC functions such as system monitoring, triage and escalation, incident response procedure, and ticketing.How can you use chaos engineering when failures in the system can be critical and even life-threatening?
Carl Chesser — Infoq
In this blog post, we’ll look at how SRE can improve NOC functions such as system monitoring, triage and escalation, incident response procedure, and ticketing.
Emily Arnot — Blameless
This article suggests using chaos engineering to tell if your microservice-based architecture is secretly a monolith in disguise.
Andre Newman — Gremlin
- Slack
- Radware
- An accidental BGP hijack by Telstra took down Radware.
- Tokyo Stock Exchange
- The Tokyo Stock Exchange was down for an entire day, the first time that’s ever happened.
- Fastly
- Squarespace
- Google Search Indexing
- Microsoft Azure outage #SM79-F88
- A problem with Azure Active Directory caused trouble for Office365 and other Microsoft services. Click through for their detailed follow-up.