
SRE Weekly Issue #140


Are you exploring serverless architecture on AWS? Check out this post to get step-by-step instructions for setting up and maintaining DynamoDB to keep it from waking you up with unactionable alerts:


My sincerest apologies to Dale Markowitz, the author of this article who I mispronouned in last week’s issue. I’m kicking myself, because I totally didn’t need to use a pronoun at all.

Dale Markowitz — LOGIC Magazine

Linus Torvalds made waves this week with an email apologizing for his unprofessional behavior and committing to improving.

Linus Torvalds

A pretty detailed article on how LaunchDarkly designed their system for reliability. The streaming vs. polling section is especially interesting.

Adam Zimman — LaunchDarkly

Full disclosure: Fastly, my employer, is mentioned.

Lots of details about how they achieve their reliability goals. I’d love to see a followup with more detail on why writing a solution in-house made sense versus adopting something like Kafka.

Mark Marchukov — Facebook

The staging environment plays an important part. If staging isn’t working for your organization, make sure you aren’t making these common mistakes.

Harshit Paul — DZone

The challenges in question involve testing a microservice’s interactions with other microservices. Read about their system for distributing and running mock servers for each microservice.

Mayank Gupta, K.Vineet Nair, Shivkumar Krishnan, Thuy Nguyen, and Vishal Prakash — Grab

My partner suggested I look into the Deepwater Horizon incident, and I’m glad I did. My two key takeaways were normalization of deviance and this gem:

Researchers who study disasters tell us that a long period without an accident can be a big risk factor in itself: Workers learn to expect safe operation as the norm and can’t even conceive of a devastating failure.

James B. Meigs — Slate


SRE Weekly Issue #139


SRE teams need to prepare for incidents. Maintain high levels of uptime, prepare for downtime, and create more reliable services by optimizing incident detection, response, and remediation workflows:


Find out how AutoTrader deployed TLS to 3000 vendor websites, and what they did when things went wrong despite their careful deployment strategy.

Lee Goodman — AutoTrader

An excellent short piece about incident response, using the radio recordings from an aircraft accident as a case study.

Sri Ray

No production operation is too big or too small for a checklist. Similarly, no situation is too strenuous for one.

Sri Ray

[…] in this new series, we’re sharing some of our internal SRE processes. This first post looks at the guidelines our SRE team follow to communicate with customers during an incident, with some practical tips, examples, and the thinking behind it all.

Fran Garcia — Hosted Graphite

Here’s why adopting a multi-cloud strategy may not do what you want, while also making your life much harder.

Tyler Treat

Last fall, I linked to a couple of talks on research in automated bugfixing. Facebook has now deployed such a system to production.

Yue Jia, Ke Mao, Mark Harman — Facebook

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) was one of the services impacted by the major Azure outage earlier this month. Here’s an in-depth analysis of what went wrong and what they might (or might not) be able to do to prevent a similar incident.

Buck Hodges — Microsoft


SRE Weekly Issue #138


A dedication to SRE will improve the lives of your customers and team. For our August Roundup, we’ve compiled a list of top SRE articles in order to help you keep up with the latest news, tips, and topics in SRE:


This episode of Greater Than Code features John Allspaw, and it’s pretty much as awesome as I expected. Some highlights:

  • rather than asking how an incident happened, ask what prevented it from being worse
  • ask “how” rather than “why” an incident happened
  • humans plus technology are together a cognitive system
  • how can you make automation a team player?

Janelle Klein, John Sawers, Rein Henrichs, and Jessica Kerr, with John Allspaw

What does cold start look like on various FaaS platforms? This article has hard numbers obtained through empirical testing.

Mikhail Shilkov

Colm MacCárthaigh explains how shuffle sharding improves reliability by acting like some kind of magic lever made of math.

Colm MacCárthaigh — AWS (thanks to Thread Reader for the thread rollup)

Who cares if your CDN has an eleventeen terabaud backbone uplink? What really matters is how they can serve your traffic.

Matt Levine — CacheFly

An engineer pushes a small change and OkCupid goes up in flames.

A new, entry-level employee takes down a big site — due not to a bug in his software, but in a dependency.

Dale Markowitz — LOGIC Magazine (Issue #5)

What happens when you mix Observability and Serverless? Corey Quinn of Last Week in AWS lets you in on the hottest new operations practice.

Corey Quinn

How will climate change and rising sea levels impact the reliability of our networks?

Carol Barford — iAfrikan

I watched this Nova (PBS) episode this week, and I highly recommend it. It explores why trains crash and what governments are doing to improve safety. The link above requires membership, but you can also watch it on Netflix.



SRE Weekly Issue #137


At first, getting internal buy-in for SRE efforts can be difficult. “Build the Resilient Future Faster: Creating a Culture of Reliability” shows you exactly how–and why–we created and implemented our own culture of DevOps and SRE:


Read about their transition from multi-cloud to all AWS and how they scaled to 10x the login throughput.

Dirceu Tiegs — Auth0

This article on the emergent behavior of algorithms is well worth thinking about as an SRE. Even without machine learning, our infrastructures have complex emergent behaviors, as you can read in any incident retrospective.

Andrew Smith — The Guardian

This interesting pitfall of chaos engineering stood out to me:

[…] if you hand a team 50 vulnerabilities, they’re probably not going to fix any of them. You know what I mean? So you have to figure out a way to prioritize those …

Andrea Echstenkamper with Nora Jones (Netflix), Ted Strzalkowski (LInkedIn), and Pat Higgins (Gremlin)

Well worth a quick listen (2 minutes 30 seconds).

Todd Conklin — Pre-Accident Podcast

In this series, we’ll dig into different types of observability tools. For each type, we’ll cover what they’re used for, what specific tools are available, some use cases, and any unique characteristics that may come up during your search for a new tool.

Linked above is an introduction to the article series. The first in the series is also out, focusing on time-series metric systems.

Dan Barker


SRE Weekly Issue #136


Define goals, set agendas, and build SRE like a boss. SRE team lead, Jonathan Schwietert, discusses how to organize effective SRE meetings and cultivate a collaborative culture of resiliency:


This infographic shows how Ably’s client library and backend infrastructure is designed to work around many common failure modes. My favorite: they have redundant TLS certificates from distinct issuers.

Matthew O’Riordan — Ably

This article argues that spending a little time to fix staging can make production significantly more stable.

Michael Nygard

This is a story of a flawed development process on top of a flawed infrastructure, without the necessary data to drive decision-making. It’s also a story of waking up to these problems and charting a way out.


As it turns out, pure reasoning cannot solve the kind of problems you see in the production environment of a complex application. These problems are almost always more difficult, since they have survived all of the testing you could throw at them.

John Casey

A story of a somewhat rare failure case (a datacenter heat buildup event) and how to monitor for such a thing without contributing to metrics overload.

Pavel Trukhanov — okmeter

On twitter this week, @srhtcn noted that “Many incidents happen during or right after release” and asked for advice on ways to fix this.

Great advice, useful for managers and individual contributors.

Charity Majors


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