SRE Weekly Issue #80


New eBook for DevOps pros: The Dev and Ops Guide to Incident Management offers 25+ pages of essential insight into building teams and improving your response to downtime.


I had no idea there were so many tracing systems in Linux! Fortunately Julia Evans did, and she learned all about them so that she could explain them to us.

There’s strace, and ltrace, kprobes, and tracepoints, and uprobes, and ftrace, and perf, and eBPF, and how does it all fit together and what does it all MEAN?

What do you get when a high school teacher switches careers, goes to boot camp, and becomes an SRE? In this case, we get Krishelle Hardson-Hurley, who wrote this really great intro to the SRE field. She also included a set of links to other SRE materials. Thanks for the link to SRE Weekly, Krishelle!

This issue of Production Ready is a transcript (with slides) of Mathias’s talk at ContainerDays on doing chaos engineering in a container-based infrastructure. I really like the idea of attaching a side-car container to inject latency using tc.

Here’s an interesting side-effect from an IPO: Redfin was obliged to mention the fact that its website runs out of a single datacenter.

This article, part of a series from on structured event logging, contains some tips on structuring your events well to get the most out of your logs.

I’d never thought about what IT systems must exist on a cruise ship before. This article left me wanting to know more, so I found this ZDNet article with pictures and descriptions of another cruise ship datacenter layout.


Updated: July 9, 2017 — 9:40 pm
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