SRE Weekly Issue #255

A message from our sponsor, StackHawk:

With StackHawk’s new GitHub Action, you can integrate AppSec testing directly into your GitHub CI/CD pipeline. See how:


It really should! Even Google is much more accurately described as a “service” than a “site”.

Chris Riley — Splunk

There are migrations, and then there’s the time between migrations.

Will Larson

2020 was the year mainstream folks realized how important reliability is. Will overall reliability improve in 2021?

Robert Ross — FireHydrant

I love this for the click-bait title and the content. An HAProxy feature designed for HA had a surprising an unexpected behavior.

Andre Newman — GitLab

Twilio builds customer trust through a reliability culture, customer empathy, and accountability.

Andre Newman — Gremlin

This WTFinar tackles the beginning of understanding SRE. It focuses on service level indicators (SLIs) and service level objectives (SLOs) – components of error budgets.

Container Solutions


Updated: January 31, 2021 — 8:25 pm
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